Leivonniemi Oy

Hatapään valtatie 34 A, 4.kerros
33100, Tampere
etsi kartalta >>

Puhelin: (03) 312 26800
Faksi: (03) 312 26811
Internet: www.leivonniemi.com
Sähköposti: tampere@leivonniemi.com


Leivonniemi Oy is a wholesale house supplying the fur and leather industry all over the world with  fur skins and plates, leather, shearlings  and accessories. Leivonniemi is a family-run company with long traditions and strong know-how in fur and leather business.  

The company was founded by Mr. Heimo Leivonniemi, who started to buy and sell Finnish fur skins over 60 years ago. His son, Aimo (general director), and his daughter, Anitta (marketing director), joined him to work in the branch. Mr Aimo Leivonniemi's son Matti joined the company in 2000 and the sales manager, Mr Olli Neronen, has worked for the Leivonniemi Company since 1987.

Nowadays the most important market is in Russia, from where it is only a short distance to come to inspect the goods in our warehouse in Tampere. We have Russian speaking staff, Olli and Matti, who deal with all our Russian customers.

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